VUNDACAST CH. 67 BTILC RE-RUN SHOW with Gerald Okamura and Charlie from the Girlfriend Movies Podcast

That's right you get two new(ish) podcasts on the same day. Why? We want to produce four podcasts a month this year on the Vundacast. So to meet the goal for January, means doubling up today. So know this, if you are following our fine podcast this year, that if you haven't gotten four by the end of the month. You may get multiple episodes dropped on one day. Also if we're short I reserve the right to replay BTiLC podcast episodes like I'm doing today. So enjoy the second and third episode of the BTiLC podcast are on this episode of the Vundacast. On this Edition of the Vundacast Stephen gives you episodes form his other podcast the BTiLC podcast (the podcast dedicated to the greatest film ever made Big Trouble in Little China )( subscribe here ). Listen to an interview with martial arts legend Gerald Okamura and a conversation with Charlie of Girlfriend Movies podcast(subscriber here ). powered by podcast garden