#VundaHalloweenAthon Official Art by Horror Filmmaker Josh Stifter

Our official Vundacast 31 day horror challenge, #VundaHalloweenAthon, has some spiffy new official art care of independent horror filmmaker and artist extraordinaire Josh Stifter . To say thank you, we encourage you to check out some of Josh's films for our October 1st theme, "Fear the Unknown" (i.e. watch something new to you). Josh Stifter is not only a gifted artist but a funny and freaky filmmaker. If you subscribe to his Flush Studios Patreon you can gain access to his great behind the scenes content and at the highest level $20 become a producer on his shorts and features in production. He has two feature length films: The Good Exorcist is a comedic horror film made for $7000 under the supervision of Robert Rodriguez and available on TromaNOW and other streaming services or on his Patreon. His second film, Greywood's Plot , is about friendship and cryptids, which is all I'll say to avoid spoilers. It is currently touring the worl...