"Why We OccUUpy" (text of my Message/Sermon from the 11/27/11 Social Justice Committee Led Worship Service of the same name)
So. What does Occupy stand for? What are their demands? What are they trying to accomplish? That seems to be all you hear the media say about the Occupy movement and it kind of makes you wonder if the media has been collectively living under a rock. The signs at the protests are clear as day. The declarations adopted by the General Assemblies of many of the Occupy encampments are very explicit. Wall Street, with help from Washington politicians they’ve paid good money for, are hijacking our economy and our country and taking it on a hundred and thirty mile-per-hour joyride with all of us riding unwillingly in the passenger seat. This is why we Occupy! https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-U2nJnW1vFRo/TsQYr9m9GsI/AAAAAAAAAFE/9cTpf5E7cFI/s912/big-bank-theory-chart-large.jpg This is a chart posted on a website called Mother Jones. The title of the chart is “The Final Four Financial Institutions.” As you can see, up until about 1996 there were dozens of financial institutions. Then