image courtesy of The world has changed. And it's still changing. In this new reality that has been thrust upon our country and our world, it feels a lot like we're living through September 12th, 2001 over and over like Groundhog's Day. Concerts, live theatre, sports, and all other large gatherings have shut down. Everything, that is, except professional wrestling. Just to get this out of the way: this is not a piece about why wrestling forging on In the Time of Corona is or is not a good idea. I assume we've all heard the rumors about this decision to continue being more about a certain chairman's ego and we can all agree that continuing to produce wrestling shows is an extremely risky decision that is bound up with the impossible demands late stage capitalism places on all of us--and furthermore, I hope we can all agree that if wrestlers had a union anywhere near as powerful as the NBAPA, NFLPA, NHLPA, etc. things might look a lot different. But set