tHe ReAd PiLe - 2/27/08

Nice collections of books this week. Some of the usual favorites Blue Beetle, JSA, and Teen Titans. Some brand spanking new books Kick-Ass, Project Superpowers, and Doctor Who. It's a great week to start reading comics. #1 BLUE BEETLE #24- I'm so hyped about this comic. This is the most consistently fun comic out there. Everyone should be reading this. #2 ACTION COMICS #862- More Legion of Superheroes! This story is probably, thus far, the best Superman story I've ever read. Geoff Johns is god. #3 TEEN TITANS #56- Blue Beetle's in this issue and Kid Devil throws a party. This has the makings of a classic. #4 JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #13- I love this cover. It's very old school with the floating head pantheon eyeing the cover. #5 COUNTDOWN TO FINAL CRISIS 9- Don't know what to expect. #6 STAR TREK ALIENS SPOTLIGHT ROMULANS- I'm a Trekkie and IDW is producing some really fantastic Star Trek stories. Alien Spotlight has...