One Song, Glory

Vaster Than Empires - The Ground Only Moves When You Walk On It - 3:01 - 3:40 is the best moment of my "career" as a musician...the one thing I've created that really sounds like something special to me, like something I want to listen to over and over...if everything I wrote was up to that quality, I'd be off to a good start...and I didn't even write that part came organically during a jam session Reisner and I were having after practice...when I'm famous, that will be a trivia question, trust me...


hobbitcore said…
on a side note, if I had my way, the bass line in (destroy/rebuild/destroy) would have been one note (open) the whole way through...but when Dejan did the bass track, I was playing along with him and he just followed where my hands were moving (even though the top two strings were open) and played that moving bass line...and you know what? it sounds way cooler that way...
hobbitcore said…
"playing along with him (unplugged)"

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