THE READ PILE - 4/23/08

Oh my god! The Read Pile is late this week. My apologies. Work has been crazy haven't had time to write. So if anyone is still interested I give you this week's READ PILE

#1 COUNTDOWN TO FINAL CRISIS 1 - Last issue I'm planning on righting a whole post on, because I totally loved it. I think it made countdown worth it. So i'm expecting this issue to stick by comparison, but I am interested.

#2 DEATH OF THE NEW GODS #8 (OF 8) - Also, this should tie into countdown 2, so I'm excited to see what the New Gods resolution will be.

#3 DYNAMO 5 #12 - I love this book. I wonder how many people read it. If not a lot of people read it, I think I might do some reviews to spur some interest in it. Have you read an issue of Dynamo 5?

#4 MIGHTY AVENGER'S #12 SII - Secret Invasion number one review is also on the way. I'm onboard with this.

#5 MS MARVEL #26 SII - I picked up the last tie-in because I liked the cover. I dropped Ms. Marvel around issue 15 because things with the lightning storm team we're pretty lame. I'll be on board this book till one issue after Secret Invasion and then I'll se if I drop it or not.

#6 WOLVERINE FIRST CLASS #2 - Really loved issue, review is on the way. PICK IT UP!

#7 SHADOWPACT #24 - Future, past and present Shadowpact collide, this shouldn't be to bad. Can Willingham come back, please.


#9 SECRET HISTORY THE AUTHORITY JACK HAWKSMOOR #2 (OF 6) - Last issue was interesting. Check it out, if giant robots are your thing.


The "weakness of the week" introduced last week has been replaced by the more cleverly named Moment of Weakness. This week, due to my not being around, am going to give you three links for your pleasure and as my humble apology.

Mark's Fantasy League is booming. Wanna face my team the Knights of Right. Then join in on the fun.

I'm not a Spawn or Cerebus fan but this recap by siskoid really peaked my interest.

Lastly, I love Gullermo Del Toro and eagerly await Hellboy 2 and his future projects so here are his thoughts on the upcoming Hobbit flick.

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