thE Read Pile - 7/09/08

I need to spend less money on comics. For real.

#1 BOOSTER GOLD #1,000,000 - I gave my brother Sam the issues up to this one and he has no knowledge of DC history and he loved it. Thats how good this series is. 

#2 GREEN ARROW BLACK CANARY #10 - I like the book but I want this story line to wrap up. So we can see some Deathstorke or some of Green Arrow's new married status quo.

#3 JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #17 - Wow It's been 17 issues. Alot has happened yet nothing has happened. Wierd. 

#4 FINAL CRISIS REQUIEM #1 - Morrison is sucking hard. The Martian still hasn't gotten his due and this cover is crap. 

#5 SECRET INVASION #4 - This series is sucking. 

#6 TRINITY #6 - I'm really negative. I stille haven't read issue 4 or 5 but I still like this book. I had no clue it would be better than Final Crisis. 

# 7 ACTION COMICS #867 -Johns is the best. Last issue was fantastic jump on this book. 

#8 CAPTAIN AMERICA WHITE #0 - Heard good things about this. 

#9 HUNTRESS YEAR ONE #5 (OF 6) - This series is actually good. Great art, quality plotting, and story telling. 

#10 ULTIMATE ORIGINS #2(OF 5) - This is the first ultimate book i've ever read. I'm confused.

#11 YOUNG X-MEN #4 - This is sucking. I'm going to drop it. 

#12 LAST DEFENDERS #5(OF 6) - Meh.

#13 IRON MAN LEGACY OF DOOM #4(OF 4) - I'm really not happy with the books this week. People write doom wrong in this.

#14 JOKER'S AYLUM THE PENGUIN #1 - The first one was okay. The art grew on you but Joker not killing people feels wrong. 

#15 DETECTIVE COMICS #846 RIP - I don't know if I'm picking this up if it'll help me understand RIP I will.

moment of weakness

Wolverine and the X-men has another trailer. Atomic Romance found it first. Check it out. 

also comic overload has done a bang up job to keep me entertained this weekend with 24 consecutive posts check it out


Nick said…
Ah...another Huntress convert....excellent.

Oh you checked out the Venture Bros. - Doctor Qinn episode yet...hilarious.
Alex said…
The Joker not killing people is totally ridiculous. WTF was up with that?
Ian!!! said…
Action Comics has been fantastic! I loved the intro to the Daily Planet staff last issue.

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