THe REAd PILe - 5/14/08

Another big week my wallet is hurting. My heart is happy though.

#1 BOOSTER GOLD #9 - The JLI is in this issue. As soon as the summer movie season ends I'm going to get the TPB's of JLI. I like them to much to have not read them.

#2 THE TWELVE  #5(OF 12) - The Witness looks super cool in this cover. I feel like this book hasn't given me a clear direction yet shouldn't the plot have started yet. Who is the bad guy?

#3 GREEN ARROW BLACK CANRY #8 - Although I totally called the Ra's Al Ghul reveal. I want to see this book wrap up this thread and start a new fresh one. Maybe a little Deathstroke or Constantine Drakon next.

#4 TITANS #2 - Meh. 

#5 IRON MAN LEGACY OF DOOM #2(OF 4) - I'm liking this book it has avery classic Iron Man quality. The art is superb, and the writing thus far is solid.

#6 GREEN LANTERN CORPS #24 - Mongul is coming off pretty cool, but I wonder how or if this will play into Final Crisis.

#7 X-MEN ORIGIN COLOSSUS ONE SHOT - Colossus has always been one of my favorite X-men and I think the current incarnation of him is totally a skrull. So hopefully this non-skrull colossus will be cool.

#8 SECRET INVASION FANTASTIC FOUR #1(OF 3) - Not sure if I'm going to stick with this, but it's three little issues so how bad can it get.

#9 LAST DEFENDERS #3(OF 6) - This book has me entertained even though I'm totally clueless about Defender's history, Nighthawk, and the big bad ominous villain.

#10 BATMAN #676 RIP -  DC Universe 0 and the interview Pulp Secret had with Morrison sold me on this book. I'll give it three issues before I make a judgement on whether it sucks or not as I'm not really a big Morrison fan. Also the Alex Ross cover is totally rad and I want it as a poster.

#11 SUPERMAN #676 - An Alex Ross Solomon Grundy cover I am so there. 

#12 X-MEN LEGACY #211 - I remember vaguely writing about how I'm onboard this book, but with fifteen books on my pull list this week this book seems perfect for dropping. 

#13 PROJECT SUPERPOWERS #3(OF 7) - I'm not enjoying the story here it's slow and where I'll enjoy slow story telling in Justice with character's I love and think are cool. I don't think i can stand it with two bit has been characters.

#14 TINY TITANS #4 - I was gonna drop this but the disco cover hooked me. Fanklin Richards ain't got nothing on the Tiny Titans.

#15 HUNTRESS YEAR ONE #1 (OF 6) - Might drop this if it sticks. I'm not a big Huntress fan but if they can make her as cool as she was on JLU I might be happy.

#16 FINAL CRISIS SKETCHBOOK - Pretty pictures.

#17 MARVEL SPOTLIGHT HULK - Haven't finished the Iron Man one yet, but this is great bathroom reading. 


I'm not a big fan of Chris's Invincible Super Blog simply because I feel it is to monstrously good and bigger than me. However he seems to like Speed Racer as much as me so he's okay in my book. Also I forgot to talk about how cool the tracks were in Speed Racer the film has a very Mario Kart style race feel which is suer cool. Go see Speed Racer!  

I decided to drop Zorro it's simply to lame for me. When will they release a Speed Racer comic? IDW I'm looking at you?


Swinebread said…
I'm loving THE TWELVE, I'm really just interested in the characters and their reactions to the modern world.

Maybe I've just read too many comics to care about direction anymore. I dunno

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